Our Program List:
We offer a range of Wayapa sessions and workshops to meet your organisations needs, either face to face or online delivery such as;
- Weekly Group sessions
- One off sessions
- Packaged Programs
- Incursions to your Workplaces , Office, Community space or Educational Institution etc.
- Personal Development day Activity
- Festival or Event Activity etc.
***** Reiki sessions are offered by appointment only
* We welcome tailoring sessions to meet the needs and objectives of your business, staff, clients and or students.
** remember we come to your place of business - you may wish to consider having this activity outdoors at the nearest park, beach or any outdoor setting on your premises !
Our Customers include all sectors of community including Community Organisations and Associations , Corporates, Businesses, Government Departments, Educational Institutions, Aged Care facilities and Child Care Centre's etc.
Our speciality is in the areas of Early Years and Primary Education sectors however, our passion, professionalism and capacity to deliver our service transcends across all cohorts and to all age groups and fitness levels, effortlessly adjusting and readjusting as required to meet your communities needs.

Introduction to Wayapa Wuurrk®
An exciting Aboriginal Earth Connection and Wellness modality based on what has been known to Aboriginal peoples for thousands of years.
The importance of connection to the earth to connect to Spirit & to one self.
Using an Aboriginal lens we share a mixture of Traditional movements, alongside narrative visualisation, immersed with earth mindfulness to build & develop a sense of calmness & joy when connecting with nature, supporting the health and wellness of the Earth, the Mind, the Body & the Spirit.
This is an all abilities practice as it can be undertaken either standing or seated, dependant on ability & comfort.
Suitable for all age groups & fitness levels.
Session Time: 1 hour
*** Times may vary between style and type of program delivery
Price: Our prices range between $400.00- $800.00 per session & vary accordingly, dependant on the purchased service type.

Introduction to Aboriginal Way !
An interactive fun program directed and delivered to Early Years and Primary Education settings using a combination of story telling, music, art, artefacts and objects to create a space of curiosity, wonder and understanding in a fun and informative learning environment
Session Time: 1 hour
*** Times may vary between style and type of program delivery
Price: Our prices range between $400.00 - $800.00 per session and vary accordingly dependant on the purchased service type.

Wayapa Early Years Education Program
A newly developed Early Years Program filled with a range of educational activities and tools that builds the Childs understanding, curiosity and Earth connection.
This program aligns with the NQF and the VEYLDF. It also includes supports and workshops for Educators to assist guiding Early Years Staff towards engaging students into the Wayapa Way.
Session Time: 1 - 3 hours
& offered in 4, 6 or 8 week packages
Educator workshops are offered;
- 75 minute workshop - Intro
- 3 hour workshop - Intensive
*** Times may vary between style and type of program delivery
Price: Our prices range between $500.00 - $1,500.00 per session and vary accordingly, dependant on the type of service purchased.
* ** This program is listed on the Victorian School Readiness Funding Program. - detailed information can also be found at hppt://wayapa.com

Reiki 1 & 2
Usui Shiki Ryoho Rieki linage
Complimentary to the array of our Earth connection programs we offer hands-on energy healing, releasing and nurturing the negative and positive energies inside and aligning the mind body spirit in sync with nature.
Session times: 60 minutes
***Times may vary dependant on program delivery.
Price: Our prices range between $120 - $500 per session and vary accordingly, dependant on type of service purchased

GlassArt 4 Sale
One off unique pieces meticulously made using creative forms of lead and glass inspired a by a clash of family diversity mixed with Aboriginal inspired interpretation's in some pieces

Other Services
Facilitator - Public Speaker -MC
Professional and engaging, with the ability to facilitate an event and or that special Community occasion such as AGM, Dinner, Community family days etc.
Time: 1 - 5 hours
*** Times may vary between style and type of program delivery
Price: Our prices range between $580.00 - $1,500.00 dependant on the type of service purchased
Consultation , Support, Advice and Direction when;
*Developing your organisations Reconciliation Action Plans
* Seeking local Aboriginal connections
* Building cultural competence in your organisation
* and so much more
Time: In accordance to need
Price: Our prices start at $300.00 per hour & vary accordingly, dependant on the type of service purchased

Aboriginal Artworks 4 Sale
Authentic Aboriginal Art works
Astonishing original acrylic Art pieces on various sized framed and unframed canvasses created by renowned Indigenous Artist 'Kunda'. Each piece created by visions and memory of identity, country and family infused by the sharing of story.
Wayapa Wuurrk®
Developed by Jamie Marloo Thomas and co founded by Sara Jones. Wayapa is a rewilding of our connections to the Mother Earth, understanding that modern history is crying out for critical global action and change to contain the health of the planet. Wayapa supports this notion and through an Aboriginal lens of earth connection using a combination of mindful mediation , gentle traditional movements alongside story telling to open space and sharing knowledge towards creating healthy mind body spirit and earth wellness, healing ourselves whilst nurturing the planet
***Wayapa® is a unique, globally-certified wellness modality that is based on ancient Indigenous wisdom that has been developed for a modern-day context
*certified by the International Institute for Complimentary Therapies (IICT)
Benefits of Wayapa
- Quietens the mind
- Enhances concentration
- Identifies and promotes Cultural Pride
- Creates Earth, Mind, Body and Spirit wellbeing
- Innovative introduction to Aboriginal Culture
- Physical movement
- Shows imagination and creative thinking
- Supports Reconciliation Action Plans
- Develops understanding and value add towards caring and connecting to the Mother Earth
* Participants quickly adapt and flow with the movements, filling spaces with smiles whilst imitating each of the 14 shared elements.
People often find the movements calming and reinvigorating to their head space, tapping into an unfamiliar sense of quiet and stillness in an otherwise hectic world.